The importance of Walde’s paintings of nudes is often underestimated in comparison to his other work, in terms of both quality and quantity. Nevertheless, these works are very valuable for tracing the artist’s development. Starting with realistic sketches of nude models, his work continually grew in terms of both sophistication and fascination. For a while he placed his nude subjects in front of a colorful, ornamentally decorated backdrop, undoubtedly an influence exerted by his peers among the Vienna art scene. After WWI, he increasingly used mixed techniques, tempera, pastels and oil to create a diverse wealth of nudes. They reflect a fascination for the female form in particular, and clearly indicate Walde’s ability to express the intricate moods and situations that affected his subjects within the particular environment of the scene. His nudes certainly contain a strong element of erotic fantasy, but they are just as interesting for their contribution toward a better understanding of Walde’s unique oeuvre.